
Archive for the ‘40 days’ Category

Whatever jumble I’m caught up in mentally or physically or emotionally, if I just step outside and walk, the air shifts. Maybe a huge release like yesterday, when I sat on the ground crying, and people walked by and asked me if I was OK. “YEAH I’M FINE, really… thanks!” SNORTLE Or maybe today, where I stood in the middle of the trees at Ft. Tryon Park, stretching after a run, feeling restored. Doing funky little energy medicine movements that made me look like a crazy woman.

So, in an effort to not freak my ego out too much, I am going to very gently give myself a 40-day commitment that is easy to keep AND makes a world of a difference in my day. And just having the decision made for me that, yes: I am doing this — makes much less room for resistance to come in and sabotage me!

Here’s the deal: I walk outside every day for 40 days. Not just to the train or the store! Like, a walk. A purposeful, fresh-air-breathing stroll, and maybe even a run when I feel so inclined! Tennis shoes, walking clothes, time out from the day. If it’s pouring, I’ll grab an umbrella. No time constraints — it’s fluid with the day.

I feel better mentally when I breathe fresh air and move in my body. I feel better in my body when I move. And I am much more productive afterwards. By giving myself this gift of time with ME and nature, it’s like spending time with a child. I feel taken care of and can move on and do all those things in the world that need to happen.

So, that’s my new challenge. 🙂 I started today and it felt great.

Want to join me and do something too? Maybe you are sick of resistance stopping you from doing something that makes you feel better or moves your life forward. I am, and am always looking for new ways to sneak around that bugger!

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